Monday, May 13, 2013

"Blogger" stats are killing my will to blog

The other day I was listening to Tullian Tchividjian give a talk called "One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World" at the Mockingbird Conference.  During this talk he gave a piercing personal illustration.  He confessed that after publishing his first book, he became obsessed with his Amazon Rating to such an extent that on days his ratings were high he'd be happy and on days they were low he'd be depressed.  Through this Tullain discovered that he was trying to find his identity and worth in things other than Jesus' finished work on his behalf.

I watched this talk after checking my "Blogger" stats for the twelfth time that day and it got me thinking.
 My enjoyment of and productivity in blogging has taken a major tumble ever since Google introduced this technology back in August 2010.  In fact, stats reveal that as soon as I starting obsessing about stats my stats and blogging took a major tumble.  Now, it's important to note having my first two kids played a major role in this as well, but truth be told I enjoyed blogging much more before this technology was introduced in August 2010.  After this date I no longer blogged for pure enjoyment, but rather I now had something to prove.  I had an audience to grab.  I had a needy self to validate.  "What a wretched blogger am I..."

So what do I do now?  How can I rid myself of this obsession?  How can I blog for the pure enjoyment of blogging once again.  "Who will deliver me from this blog of death!"

Check out Tullian's talk...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have to weigh in as I have truly enjoyed following your blogs. I do understand that you feel guilty about not just putting it out there and not worrying about how many followers you have, but I think you are doing this as a witness for Christ and may just be disappointed when you don't reach many with your message. Keep the faith.