Besides making me bust a gut laughing, this video also got me thinking. How do you avoid this trap in your typical modern worship service? Can you seek to speak to a culture in its own language without looking like this? If so, how do you do it? Have you ever actually seen it work?
I ask these questions as one who firmly believes the local church should worship in a way that engages its surrounding culture. To argue that in one particular time and space worship was right, as those who argue for going back to a organ/hymn based worship do, is a misnomer. This mindset often tends to be both ethnocentric and idolatrous of a particular time, style, and culture (Although I do agree that the words were much better in those hymns). This said, we're back at square one. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Funny video that strikes home a point. All good questions and points. Hmmm -- lots to think about and discuss in future days.
Looking forward to it!!!
Video is hilarious. I don't have an answer to your questions. However I think that the answer lies somewhere between the traditional service, where things tend to become routine and you just repeat words without really thinking about their meaning, and this video.
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