Thursday, September 23, 2010

Horton Quote

"The Gospel changes lives precisely because it is not about us-even our changed lives-but about Christ.  The life of every Christian is filled with enough inconsistencies to disprove the Christian faith every day if it were based on our changed lives.  The history of the church is littered not only with heresies and schisms but with crusades, inquisitions, and the justification of atrocities in the name of Christ.  Yet in all of this we can point away from ourselves, individually and collectively, to "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" (John 1:29).  In fact, it is only by repenting of our spiritual pride and casting ourselves anew on God's mercy in his Son that we can ever become servants rather than masters of our neighbors."
-"The Gospel Driven Life" Micheal Horton

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