If you've ever struggled with depression and/or any other form of mental illness this video will speak to you. Be warned, the video is a bit graphic.
PS: For those of you reading this on Facebook go to this link: http://theresurgence.com/Rebels_Guide_William_Cowper
This was very moving. Wm Cowper remains one (alongside Luther and others) whose witness of faith in spite of depression lifts me. I, too, love The Ragamuffin Gospel and other stories of those folks who struggle (like me). John Piper, a few years ago at a conference, told of Wm Cowper and his painful life. And yet he (Cowper) wrote some of our most beloved hymns. Maybe like David and his psalms. Thank you, Shawn, for sharing this. Mockingbird is still new to me, but am so blessed to find it. I see on your profile that you have Blue Like Jazz as a favorite. My neighbor (in her 70's, smile) loves it. Seems we are getting a more earthy walk in our "dotage". Are you even old enough to know what that word means? 8^)
Mary in Canby, Or
Ha! I'll google the word. Thanks for you comment Mary!
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